
U.S. CPSC issued a public warning on the button batteries

Recently, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) survey found that consumer goods, toys or small button batteries in the greater security risks exist, and to report thereon to the public warning.

According to the National Poison Center data released in recent years, caused by button inspiron e1505 battery , inspiron 1501 battery ingestion cases of serious complications has increased sevenfold. Each button battery ingestion more than 3,000 since the accident, most of them children, button batteries become children of the "invisible killer." Sometimes swallowed the battery through the intestinal tract, but most of the time, the battery will be stuck in the throat, leading to the release of sodium hydroxide, resulting in severe chemical burn accident. Eating or swallowing such small batteries may also cause long-term health problems. For example, the battery can affect intestinal motility, causing tissue burns, internal bleeding, tracheal perforation, damage to the vocal cords and other serious health problems.

Swallowing battery events often occur in less than four years old children or older people. The reason is that children are often out of curiosity and from games, toys, calculators, remote controls and other items removed button batteries, while older people are mistaken for pills and swallowed. To do this, CPSC to the electronics industry and battery manufacturers to issue reminders, urging the development of industry standards or warnings affixed to the inspiron e1505 battery , inspiron 1501 battery to prevent the occurrence of unintentional swallowing the battery: 1, discard button battery to be cautious; 2, do not Let children play with button batteries, button batteries and so far away from children; 3, hearing aids and hearing aid users to ensure that the battery away from children; 4, to prevent accidents, do not expose the battery to the mouth; 5, to confirm when the ingestion of tablets, so as not to button batteries mistaken for pills or tablets and swallowed.

U.S. Zengyin toys containing button batteries,solar radio emergency,inspiron e1705 battery while more than 1 million of toys recalled, China's exports to Canada and the United States because the button batteries toy products have been recalled exposure. Therefore, the inspection and quarantine experts have warned that companies should ensure product quality and ensure the button batteries inside the product will not easily fall off. In addition, industry associations should develop uniform standards as soon as possible, affix warning labels on products.

